What is MyCardInfo? MyCardInfo is Collabria’s online account management tool where you can access account information 24/7. You can register for a MyCardInfo account for free as a Collabria cardholder. With MyCardInfo, you can check current balances, review recent activities, verify the last payment made, make payments, view eStatements and more.
How do I enroll? For personal cards, enrolling is as simple as entering your account information, assigning a username, password and personal security code and completing a few security questions. You will then have access to your online account. To enroll, click the “Home” link at the bottom of the page and you’ll be redirected to our enroll/login page. Click “Enroll” to get started.
What if my Username or Password does not work? If you encounter any questions or concerns that are not answered by the online instructions during your enrollment or login process, call Cardholder Service at 1.833.528.2273 for assistance.
Is MyCardInfo safe? MyCardInfo is designed to keep your account information secure. Your session will time out after 20 minutes of inactivity and your account number is never displayed on the screen. If you have any questions please call Cardholder Service at 1.833.528.2273 for assistance.
What is Automatic Payments? Enrolling in Automatic Payments enables monthly balances to be pulled automatically from a chequing or savings account. Users can choose to setup payments for the minimum monthly balance, or the full statemented balance. See the video below for set up instructions.